API Role

Options related to Gravity’s API and Web interface

Gravity’s API is accessible by default on port 8008 under /api/v1. OpenAPI is used to document the schema and automate the generation of client libraries.

Gravity’s API is also available on the socket /var/run/gravity.sock with no authentication. This API is used by the gravity cli commands automatically.


A default admin user is created on the first startup. You can find the credentials printed to stdout. See Installation.

Session authentication using local users and OIDC is supported for browser usage. API keys can also be created for automation.

To authenticate to the API using a token, create the token either using ADMIN_TOKEN, or in the Web Interface under Auth -> Tokens. Upon creation, the token will be shown in the browser. Afterwards, add the Authorization header to API requests with the value of Bearer <token>.

Starting with Gravity 0.19, when OIDC is enabled, JWT tokens signed by the OIDC issuer can also be used. The role configuration parameter tokenUsernameField configures which claim from the JWT is used to lookup the user.


To create a new user, run the following command in the Gravity container:

gravity cli users add myusername

This will prompt you for a password which will be hashed and stored in the database.

The above command can also be used to reset a users’ password, as it will overwrite any data for the given username.