less than a minute
Gravity can import DHCP leases from Microsoft’s DHCP server.
Export leases and reservations
Run the following command on the server running Microsoft DHCP, or another server with management tools installed:
Export-DhcpServer -Leases -File C:\dhcp_export.xml
This file contains information about all scopes, their leases and reservations, and any extra options.
Transfer the resulting .xml file to the server running Gravity, and make sure it’s available to Gravity (it can be moved into the /data
container mount).
Import data into Gravity
Within the Gravity container, run the following command to import the data:
gravity cli convert ms_dhcp /data/dhcp_export.xml
This command will create all the required scopes, converting leases and reservations into Gravity equivalents.
Note that this does not configure DNS, so this has to either be done beforehand or afterwards.