
The scope for any particular request is found in the following way:

  • Checking if the DHCP Peer address is within any of the scopes CIDR, or
  • Checking if the Address of the interface the request was received on is within any of the scopes CIDR, or
  • Checking if the Scope has the default flag set to true.

Afterwards, all matching scopes are sorted by the length of the Scope’s CIDR Prefix, and the longest prefix match is chosen.



The subnet for which this scope is responsible.


Use this subnet as a fallback scope when no match can be found.

Default: false


List of dictionaries to set DHCP options.

Example options:

- tagName: router

More info and default values can be found here.


TTL in seconds for the leases created from the scope.

Default: 86400


Key:value settings for the IPAM

Internal IPAM (type = internal)
  • range_start: Start of the range to give IPs from
  • range_end: End of the range to give IPs from
  • should_ping: Set to "true" to make Gravity ping an IP before giving it out.


DNS settings for this scope. If the zone exists as a zone in Gravity, then DNS integration is enabled. This will automatically create forward and reverse records with the same TTL as the lease (the records will also be renewed).

Additionally, addZoneInHostname can be set to make Gravity append the zone to the DHCP hostname

  "dns": {
    "zone": "",
    "search": [],
    "addZoneInHostname": false